She decides, you succeed

Overall project value (EUR): 399.043,81 €
Date: September 2014 - September 2016
Scale of the investigations: Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, UK
Contract no: JUST/2013/PROG/AG/4889/GE
Coordinator: AFAEMME
Direct partners involved: Associazione Imprenditrici e Donne Dirigenti di Azienda - AIDDA (Italy), European Association for Women in Science, Technology and Engineering - WITEC (UK), Centre for Inclusive Leadership - CFIL (The Netherlands), Women Business Development Agency - WBDA (UK), Femei in Afaceri - AFEI (Romania), Women's NGOs Cooperation Network Latvia - LSOST (Latvia), Organización de Mujeres Empresarias y de Gerencia Activa - OMEGA (Spain), European Women Inventors and Innovators Network - EUWIIN (UK).

The project aims at promoting gender balance in the private sector by developing a toolkit to disseminate the benefits for companies of having more women in their economic decision-making positions.

To do so, we will:

1- Conduct research and elaborate a guide about the specific benefits for private companies of facilitating women's access to economic decision-making positions. Each guide will be specific to the area of expertise covered by the partner organisations (women in high management, women in middle management, women in science and women in technology and engineering)

2- Develop a Toolkit on the basis of the guide to be disseminated amongst private companies and business organizations.The toolkit will contain clear reasons why private companies should be interested in increasing the number of women in its decision-making positions. In order to do this, the toolkit will include a communication strategy.

3- Fifteen Women Leaders selected and trained will visit over 150 companies to encourage them to facilitate women's access to decision-making.

By the end of the project, there will be 30 motivated companies per country (150 companies in total). We expect 10 young skilled women to gain access to each of those companies, therefore, an estimated total amount of 1500 women beneficiaries.