On November 19th, 2021 was held the XIII Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum from Casa Llotja de Mar. This edition was through an Virtual Meeting cause the pandemic, Covid-19, and the impossibility of travel from our speakers. The most representative businesswomen and women entrepreneurs coming from more than thirty Mediterranean countries participated in the Event. Interesting conclusions as: Giving some solutions for women based on innovation that could support success as entrepreneurs, facilitated dialogue between women technology innovators, consultants and regulators, searched more grants from banks and other financial institution to track and expanded their lending to women, finding partnering to accelerate women-Led Businesses Growth, accessed to markets: value chain partnership, women levered e-commerce for growth, concluded the Forum. The XIII MedaWomen Entrepreneurs Forum, was focus on some of these social and technological changes in companies leaded by entrepreneurs or businesswomen.

Med Women Entrepreneurs Forum 21.pdf

News Date

November 29, 2021