Women for Success " Women Leaders for Economic Prosperity " - organized by Business Women of Egypt 21


AFAEMME is pleased to announce an upcoming event organized by the association of "Business Women of Egypt 21”, the new AFAEMME’s member candidate

The association of "Business Women of Egypt 21" in partnership with the "League of Arab States" is pleased to invite you attend its annual international Business Conference "Women for Success" dated from 18th to 22nd of February 2016. 

The meeting which will be organized by Business Women of Egypt 21 with its hundreds of companies and executives that plays a constructive role in the Egyptian economy.

The event will be held from 18 – 22 February 2016 to start in Cairo and followed by sessions at the magical place at Gouna (Red Sea).      

The conference will function as a dynamic platform for Networking, Capacity Building and International Trade; under the theme of “Women Leaders for Economic prosperity”.

Tens of Business collaboration opportunities both local and international are waiting for you.

Conference main themes:

1- Ecosystem for SME and Best Practices
2- Women in Board and Leadership positions from Glass Ceiling to work-Life Balance
3- Brand your leadership’s style and strength 
4- Women Leaders in Digital Age..Womenomics
5- Turning Your Passion into Profit

If you want to register to the meeting, please visit  the website: http://web.arabize.com/bwe/

For more information on the conference, please visit the website www.bwe21.com or contact the association:

Telephone (+20) 2 37619813 – 33389934

e-mail: bwegypt21@gmail.com


Event Dates

February 18, 2016 - 12:00am to February 22, 2016 - 12:00am


Cairo / Gouna - Egypt