The Women 20 Summit

Gender inequality is a pervasive and systemic aspect of economic life all across the globe. It manifests itself in terms of gaps in wages, income distribution and ownership of assets as well as access to credit, education and knowledge. Achieving gender inclusiveness and gender equality are essential for „strong, sustainable and balanced growth.‟

Many international declarations, conventions and actions have affirmed the importance of gender equality and women‟s empowerment. G20 Leaders have also committed on various occasions to ensure “women‟s full economic and social participation" (Los Cabos–2012), to “enhance women‟s financial inclusion and education” (St Petersburg–2013) and to “reduce the gap in participation rates between men and women in our countries by 25 per cent by 2025” (Brisbane-2014). However, the issue remains persistent.

Today in G20 countries for example, female labour force participation is 56% compared to 86% for men. If G20 members are successful in achieving their goal of reducing the gender gap in participation rates, more than 100 million women will be brought into the global labour force. The World Economic Forum estimates that each 1% increase in the female labour force participation will lead to an increase of 80 billion USD in the global GDP.

In line with its priority of addressing inequalities, during the term of the Turkish G20 Presidency the Women-20 (W20) has been established as a new G20 engagement group. The mandate of the W20 is gender inclusive economic growth and women's empowerment. It will also help to monitor and advance prior G20 commitments on gender.

The Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey (KAGIDER), one of AFAEMME's members, was selected to Chair the W20 and act as the Secretariat of the engagement group throughout the Turkish Presidency. The W20 Steering Committee, in addition to KAGIDER, includes the Women and Democracy Association (KADEM) and the Turkish Businesswomen Association (TIKAD).

With the support and contribution of other G20 members, the W20 was officially launched on September 6, 2015 in Ankara. Opening remarks of the event were delivered by the Prime Minister of Turkey, H.E. Mr Ahmet Davutoğlu. Keynote speeches were made by the Managing Director of IMF Ms Christine Lagarde, Secretary-General of the OECD Mr Angel Gurría, UN Women Deputy Executive Director Ms Lakshmi Puri, ITC Executive Director Arancha González and other high level speakers.

The W20 Summit will take place in Istanbul at the Grand Tarabya Hotel on 16 and 17 October, 2015 with the participation of more than 400 high level guests and delegates.

If you wish to take part in the event, please submit the accreditation form by October 10, 2015.

Event Dates

October 16, 2015 - 12:00am to October 17, 2015 - 12:00am


Grand Tarabya Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey)