THE EUWIIN EXPO, CONFERENCE AND AWARD CEREMONY October 7th to 9th 2009, Helsinki, Finland

Published by P. Horvath, April 30th, 2009 Barcelona (Spain)

Celebrating the European Year of Innovation & Creativity the European Women Inventors & Innovators Network (EUWIIN) will hold their 2nd Bi-Annual International Expo, Conference and Awards Ceremony in Helsinki, Finland on October 7th to 9th 2009.

Over 300 delegates are expected at this event, considered an ideal occasion for promoting inventive and innovative women in Europe and the international world. The year 2009 will also provide an opportunity to showcase model products, programs, share lessons learned and look to the future. EUWIIN’s activities will aim to work on correcting gender balance in the world of invention and innovation by constantly involving women in important dialogue in the many policy and strategies across Europe.

For more information on this event, please click here

Event Dates

January 4, 2013 - 12:00am


Helsinki, Finland