Afaemme News

In the framework of the “EESC (European Economic and Social Committee) Employers Group Meeting”, on 11th May, our President Maria Helena de Felipe has attended the meeting: “Does the EU encourage private sector investment?”. Included representatives, Ms Doris Sammut, President of MEA, the Business Association of Malta and Vice-President of AFAEMME; the President of Malta, Ms. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and the Maltese Prime Minister Mr. Joseph Muscat, providing us with a clear vision of the economic reality and the business prospects of Malta.


May 16, 2017

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Today introducing a Business Makeover proyect on Reselling. Reseling means that a company distributes the goods of another business. Resellers typically also provide advice on the product. Here is an example: Optomed, is a finnish medical technology company producing handheld retinal cameras for eye disease screening. Visit


April 28, 2017

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The next " GLOBAL SUMMIT OF WOMEN 2017" will be on in Tokyo next May 11-13 th.The theme of the 2017 Summit — “Beyond Womenomics: Accelerating Access” — showcases various initiatives developed in different parts of the world to speed up both women’s access to corporate leadership roles as well as strategies for growing women-owned enterprises worldwide.


March 17, 2017

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AFEM, member of AFAEMME, has organized, the past March 3 th, in Rabat, a Conference to commemorate "The International Day of the Woman". The Conference title "Entrepreneur tomorrow, the keys of success". During the second edition of SEWI, a number of questions related to the future of the women's enterprise were discussed, such as: How is tomorrow's business in a changing context? What are the levers to succeed? Why networks are important to grow and develop? How to free oneself from limiting beliefs to dare?


March 17, 2017

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Maria Helena de Felipe Lehtonen, as vice-president of Foment del treball and the entire executive committee, led by its president Joaquim Gay de Montella, receives his majesty Felipe VI at the Albeniz Palace on February 27 on the occasion of the presentation of the book "The history of Foment Treball".


March 3, 2017

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Beatriz Fernández-Tubau participates in a television program debate that was broadcast on February 25th in "El punt avui televisió" at 22 pm. It was discussed "Leading in women" through the empowerment of women in positions of responsibility, which is increasingly visible in the economic and financial world. Still a long road that requires instruments to transfer legal equality to today's society.


February 26, 2017

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