Afaemme News

Afaemme's President has been elected, last 15th March, chairwoman of EU-Euromed follow up Committee, in the Group of Employers, of the Economic and Social European Committee (European Economic and Social Committee) . "I have the honor to Preside the Euro Med follow up Committee @EUROMED_EESC for the next two and a half years". Congratulations!


March 20, 2018

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Afaemme attended last 9th March "Femtalent forum 2018". In this new edition, main subject of femtalent forum will emphasize top women in international arena and/or these who are leading international projects in research, industry and innovation. In this sense, femtalent wants to show also women in Science and Technology Parks distributed worldwide. The title of the forum is “World Wide Women: inspiring Global Women Talent” and it will will be celebrated on March 2018. Digital transformation is impacting in transversal way all sectors in the labour market.


March 20, 2018

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Afaemme provides an interesting training session on "Diverstity Management", las 15th March to more than 15 senior commanders from SEAT (Spanish Automotive Company). The Afaemme's professional team Beatriz Férnandez-Tubau, General Secretary and Marta Maiques, communicator manager, provide inovative solutions in the session. The main objectives of the training were awareness and diversity in the company for a better social integration.


March 15, 2018

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Afaemme ha co-organitzat un curs per dones executives com eina clau per millorar i rendibilitzar els seus negocis, ha programat la II Edició de les Jornades "Entrenant el teu Talent", organitzades per Foment del Treball en estreta col.laboració amb el Centre Internacional de Treball i Familia (ICWT) de l'Escola de Negocis IESE.


March 1, 2018

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Maria Helena de Felipe attended the annual meeting of the three UfM Energy Platforms in Barcelona last 31th January. The event find the opportunity to present the deliverables and the implementation status of the activities included in the Work Program 2017 as well as to present the foreseen activities for 2018.


February 2, 2018

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Maria Helena de Felipe, AFAEMME's President and member of the EESC (European Economic and Social Committee), presented the legal opinion on the economic rights at the EuroMed Summit, helded in Madrid on 13th and 14th December


December 21, 2017

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