Afaemme News

The International Federation of Business and Professional Women International or “BPW International”, will held its 29th BPW International Congress at Mena House Hotel in Cairo, Egypt on 23th-27th October 2017. The Congress theme is “Making a Difference through Leadership and Action”. This Congress will gather business and professional women from 110 member countries of BPW to attend this Congress. Leaders from several sectors world-wide world are invite to be speakers at this Congress.


October 24, 2017

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Meeting from the Employers' Group (Group I) in the EESC (European Economic and Social Committee) with Fepime Executive Committee, Maria Helena de Felipe (President), Beatriz Fernández -Tubau (Deputy President) and César Sánchez Hernández (Secretary General). Ms. Milena Angelova, Secretary-General of the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association and responsible for Employers' Group (Group I) in the EESC (European Economic and Social Committee) explained the main activities and objectives of Group I.


October 15, 2017

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Several companies have met with Miguel Arias Cañete, European Commissioner for Action for Climate and Energy, in Brussels. The board of directors of Fepime Cataluña, Maria Helena de Felipe, President of Fepime and Beatriz Fernández-Tubau of the management board of the ACEE participated. The objective of the meeting has been various energy issues.


October 15, 2017

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Last 10 th October in Brussels, executive commitee from Fepime, Maria Helena de Felipe, AFAEMME and Fepime President, and Beatriz Fernández-Tubau, General secretary in AFAEMME and Vice-President in Fepime had a meeting with George Dassis, President of EESC ( European Economic and Social Committee ), Gonçalo Lobo Xavier, Vice-President of EESC ( European Economic and Social Committee ) and Luis Planas Puchades Secretary-General of EESC ( European Economic and Social Committee ).


October 15, 2017

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El pasado viernes 06 de octubre de 2017 se celebró la "Jornada de Dirección y Estrategia Digital" en la sede de Fomento del Trabajo, de 09:30 a 14:00 horas. Asistieron al curso 23 empresarios y empresarias de diferentes sectores, el curso fue impartido por Antonio Izquierdo Paterna, consultor y socio de EXACT. El objetivo de la jornada fue ayudar a empresarios/as, directivos/as y responsables de área a establecer la estrategia de su empresa con el objetivo de adaptar su modelo de negocio al nuevo entorno digital, bajo una perspectiva interna y externa de la empresa.


October 10, 2017

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Approved in Brussels, last 29th September, the legal opinion on the economic rights on the Euro Mediterranean Region in EESC (European Economic and Social Committee). Maria Helena de Felipe, AFAEMME's President and member of the EESC (European Economic and Social Committee), was mandated to present the proposal of the legal opinion accompanied by Josep Ferré, Director of IEMED, who has intervened as an expert. The legal opinion has been approved without any vote adverse.


October 1, 2017

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Beatriz Férnadez-Tubau, AFAEMME’s General Secretary, has organized last 29th September, a networking meeting between our organisation, AFAEMME and GEMA ( Integral consultant of advice and managements from Argentina). The main objective of this past meeting was to establish business missions related to women between the two countries.


September 28, 2017

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"La gran evolución de los modelos de trabajo; Mujeres en puestos de decisión economica e institucional, Emprendimiento con visión de género, retos y oportunidades." No habrá progreso en el Mediterráneo sin la construcción conjunta de una sociedad basada en la igualdad de oportunidades, en la cual se garantice la plena participación de las mujeres en el desarrollo económico y empresarial de la región. La IX edición del Foro Mediterráneo de Mujeres Empresarias tendrá lugar el próximo día 24 de noviembre en la Llotja de Mar den Barcelona. El Foro está organizado por la Federaci


September 19, 2017

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