Afaemme News

AFAEMME will be part of the partner consortium of the "Bringing Science and Business, Research Support, Technological Development and Innovation" project will be finished in Jordan next month. The event will bring together Jordan's innovation ecosystem - researchers, entrepreneurs, innovators and decision makers - to showcase Jordanian excellence in research and innovation; To see SRTDII success stories, to discuss the best ways to close science and business.


January 30, 2017

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AFAEMME, represented by Beatríz Fernández-Tobau, general secretary of AFAEMME and mediator in the Cooperation Council, attended the session "Associate and cooperate gives value" last January 20th in "Fem.talent", an innovative Catalan platform that promotes Equality of opportunities and the activation of female talent in science, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation.


January 30, 2017

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Last January, the magazine "Terres del Ebre", published on "News in brief", a special mention to the president of AFAEMME, Maria Helena de Felipe Lehtonen, for the "special prize Mediterranean" award that Ascame granted to Maria Helena on November 30th, in the 10th Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders in Barcelona.


January 27, 2017

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AFAEMME will participate next 25 th January at 18.30 h at the discussion debat of “Catalan society and the promotion of women in the Mediterranean”, where Catalonia associations and foundations working to strengthen the role of women here and the Mediterranean countries, presented in the context of this discussion of its activities and projects. It's organized by IEMED at FIRST REPORT OF THE FOUNDATION FOR WOMEN EURO-MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON MINISTERIAL, AFAEMME is also co-author of the these First Report.


January 12, 2017

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Maria Helena de Felipe, President of AFAEMME, participated in the Business Make Over Fest on December 13 in Brussels under the project ENVISION, funded by the European Commission, in which AFAEMME is one of the project participants. The seminar started on December 13th, 2016. It has been drawn up for the companies that need a make-over and that are looking to create a new business model.


December 27, 2016

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AFAEMME has attended a round table "Employbility and promotion of diversity in the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation" in the 8th Euromed Seminar for diplomats organizating by the Ecole Nationale d'Administration du Paris, from 12-15 December 2016. The initiative, funded by the European Commission, aims to enhance the efficiency of policies concerning the Mediterranean, dialogue and cooperation between the countries of the North, South and East of the Euro-Mediterranean region.


December 16, 2016

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Last December 2nd Afaemme attends the Final Conference of Wings, women, entrepreneur and networking in Bergamo (Italy). Marta Maiques, Afaemme communicator manager, has participate as speaker at "Female entrepreneurship Journeys in Europe". She has introduce Afaemme experiences at the project "Young women as job creator". Main goals of the conference were networking and incubator job for young people.


December 7, 2016

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On the 10th Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders, the Mediterranean Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) has awarded the Mediterranean Prize to the president of the Association of Mediterranean Business Organizations (AFAEMME), María Helena de Felipe, for her contribution to the empowerment of women in the European region. Ascame awards each year the Mediterranean award to personalities, companies, foundations or entities whose actions have a positive impact on the development of the region and on the transmission of values.


December 1, 2016

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Also this year, in occasion of the 10th Anniversary, the association AFAEMME participated in the Mediterranean Week, an event for businesses, corporations, governments and multilateral organizations for the promotion of the economic integration in the Mediterranean Region. It was held in Barcelona from the 30th November to the 2nd December. On the 1st of December, our president Helena de Felipe gave a speech in the 1st Mediterranean Startup & Entrepreneurs Forum on how to boost the entrepreneur role of women in the Meda countries. The aim of the Forum was to provide the right tools and


November 22, 2016

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