Afaemme News

Afaemme's President Maria Helena de Felipe, had a meeting yesterday with Anwar Zibaoui, General Coordinator from ASCAME, and Luis Miranda, Corporate and Institutional Development Manager from ASCAME, to organize the next XI MedaWomen on 22th November, in the frame of the XIII Mediterranean Week of Economics Leaders. The meeting aims to work closely together and follow up the business action plan in the Mediterranean Region.


January 11, 2019

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Ms Serena Bonfati from @ApidTorino, Afaemme's Member, participate in the Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic & Social Councils 2018 in Turin, on the importance of supporting & encouraging business women in the Mediterranean region to strengthen their entrepreneurial projects & help them achieve their innovative visions. Always encouraging business women in the Mediterranean Region.


December 19, 2018

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Last monday december 3rd, staff from Afaemme attended an interesting seminar. The seminar was about gender equality, and gender issues. We realised that issue attention within politics were treated differently based on gender and on perception the issue resulted as to whether it was identified as “women’s issues”. Interestingly, gender differences decrease for “non-women issues”. Of course there are variables that may impact issue importance, however, it was interesting to see that as a female MP became more senior, the gender differences in issue attention decrease.


December 4, 2018

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In the framework of XII Mediterranean Week of Economic and Leaders, last October 22th. Afaemme’s President Maria Helena de Felipe, has participated in a round table with topic “Digital transformation in the Mediterranean opportunities & challenges”. Afaemme always enhancing economic and digital transformation in the Mediterranean Area companies.


November 28, 2018

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CEPYME (The Spanish Federation of the Small and Medium Companies) celebrated the V Annual Awards Edition 2018, last November in Madrid. The awarded company was ASTI MOBILE ROBOTICS, an engineering robotics company, which main activity is study, design, manufacture and maintenance automatized solutions and guided automatically vehicles. Afaemme’s President, Mrs. Maria Helena de Felipe attended the event as Vice-President of CEPYME. The awards were celebrated in Madrid presided by the Spanish Prime Minister, Mr. Pedro Sánchez.


November 9, 2018

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Maria Helena de Felipe, as President of EUROMED Follow up in EESC (Economic and Social European Committee), participate at the House of Representatives in Moroco, talking about "The Role of Parliaments and Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions in Africa in Facing the New Challenges of Migration”.


November 9, 2018

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