Afaemme News

Fepime Catalunya, Maria Helena de Felipe, has participated in the General Meeting of CEPYME, with the attendance of Vice President Carmen Calvo and the Ministers Reyes Maroto and Magdalena Valerio, discussing how to assume responsibilities with social peace and legal security as the basis of spanish democracy.


July 11, 2019

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In the framework of EBSOMED, ASCAME in collaboration with GACIC organizes its first EU Med Roadshow "The Mediterranean Tourism Forum – MEDITOUR 2019" to be held on July 13 and 14, 2019, in Alexandria, Egypt. Tourism is one of the most important economic sectors in the Mediterranean region, particularly for countries (or regions within countries) with limited industrial or agricultural development. The tourism sector contributes to the region to 11.3 % of total GDP, 11.5 % of employment, 11.5% of exports and 6.4% of capital investments.


July 1, 2019

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Last 18th June, was held the 4th edition of the Business Forum (UfM4Trade). EUROMED EESC members and Ascame members were involved in the panels. Mr Dr. Ahmed Waki, Ascame's President and Mª Helena de Felipe, Afaemme's President, participated in the welcoming session.


June 18, 2019

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The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) was launched in July of 2008 by the Euro-Mediterranean Heads of States and Government. Since then, the UfM has created more than 50 region-wide cooperation projects and partnered with 43 countries. The UfM, along with its member countries, work to address common challenges facing the Euro-Mediterranean region. These vary from promoting cultural awareness to combatting the degradation of the environment.


June 7, 2019

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AFAEMME participates in the final proposals from the civil society conference of "Shared views on key issues in the Mediterranean". Third phase of "Young women of job creator" is preparing. Great initiative @UfMSecretariat @afaemmeoficial


May 24, 2019

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Beatriz Fernández-Tubau participó, el pasado día 8 de mayo en la Aula Magna de la Facultad de Derecho, en la Jornada de formación y de innovación con perspectiva de género cuyo objetivo era conocer las novedades que presenta el RDLL 6/2019 de 1 de marzo, de medidas urgentes para la garantía de la igualdad de trato y de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres en la ocupación. Este evento estuvo organizado por el Vicerrectorado de alumnado y empleabilidad y el Observatorio para la Igualdad.


May 10, 2019

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El pasado 06 de mayo de 2019, AFAEMME presentó para Cataluña, en la sede de Fepime, (Federación de empresarios de la pequeña y mediana empresa de Cataluña), la Guía de implantación e implementación de un Plan de Gestión de la Diversidad, enmarcado dentro del proyecto “La Diversidad con Perspectiva de Género para tu empresa”, subvencionado por el Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. Dicha presentación contó con la participación de 25 representantes de organizaciones y empresas de Cataluña y tuvo una gran acogida.


May 7, 2019

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