Afaemme News

In the framework of the XIII Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders, BusinessMed in collaboration with ASCAME and AFAEMME, organized the EBSOMED Academy on topic "Suport and Improve the Quality of BSO & Promote BSO Networking" with 2 round tables “Sharing the best practices among businesswomen organizations and companies" helded on 21st November from 15 -18 pm in Casa Llotja de Mar.


November 28, 2019

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El pasado 6 de Noviembre en el auditorio del Palau Centelles tuvo lugar la presentación de la "Guía para la aplicación de la igualdad retributiva entre hombres y mujeres" realizada por Beatriz Fernández-Tubau, donde representa a Fomento del Trabajo, junto a la Comisión de IGUALDAD y GESTIÓN DEL TIEMPO DE TRABAJO del Consejo de Relaciones Laborales de Cataluña. Esta guía ha sido un arduo trabajo de dos años que se ha realizado en consenso en el seno del Consejo, Fomento del Trabajo, Pimec, UGT, CCOO, la Dirección General de Igualdad, la Inspección de trabajo de Cataluña y la ICD.


November 11, 2019

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The president of the Economic and Social Committee European, Luca Jahier, had a meeting at Foment del Treball last 23rd October, with the president of the institution, Josep Sánchez Llibre. Both have agreed on the on going situation of the economics at world level and the possibilities of relation among corporations. Also they have taken part at the meeting, the general secretary, David Tornos, the president of the European Commission and European Programs, Maria Helena de Felipe and the International Director, Kilian Garcia.


November 6, 2019

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Maria Helena de Felipe, as President of the EuroMed Follow-Up from the ESSC (European Economic and Social Committee) participate in an the session “Digitalisation and SMEs in the Mediterranean region, opportunities and challenges”, in the frame of the annual meeting Euromed Summit 2019 last 22nd October in Barcelona at the Pedralbes Palace central offices of Union for the Mediterranean.(UPM)


November 6, 2019

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This coming year, 2020, marks the 30th Anniversary of the Global Summit of Women will be held on April 23-25 in Bangkok (Thailand). The theme of the 2020 Summit in "Women Revolutionizing Economies" to showcase the achiviement of women in the global economy and the way in which women are altering business models and practices for the benefit of all stakeholders.


October 15, 2019

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In the framework of the XIII Mediterranean week of Economic Leaders, will place the XI edition of the MedaWomen Entrepreneur Forum on November 22nd in Llotja de Mar, in Barcelona. AFAEMME in collaboration with the Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME), Union for the Mediterranean (UPM), Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània (IEMed) and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce co-organize the MedaWomen Forum.


October 13, 2019

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In this edition of XI Meda Women Entrepreneurs Forum, in the framework of the XIII Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders, an additional and very profit activity on the 21st November full morning in the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce we will hold in the framework of EBSOMED Academy 2 round tables “Sharing the best practices among businesswomen organizations and companies". Will be held on 21st November from 15 -18 pm in Casa Llotja de Mar.


October 13, 2019

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Last 2nd October in Izmir ( Turkey), AFAEMME's Secretary General, Beatriz Fernández-Tubau and Communicator Manager, Marta Maiques, provided an interactive workshop about “Managing tools for diversity” in the frame of the project “Increasing the Women’s Status in Business Life”, where AFAEMME partnership with IZIKAD.


October 10, 2019

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Last Friday September 6th, Afaemme's President, Maria Helena de Felipe and Marta Maiques, Communicator Manager in Afaemme, meet Raquel de Diego, Manager of the Sponsorships in La Caixa, (Catalan Bank Company) at their offices in Barcelona. A very interesting meeting on similar goals and objectives for empowerment and leadership for businesswomen.


September 10, 2019

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Ensuring the contribution of UfM activities to regional stability and human development efforts, the UfM Secretariat organized its first UfM Business Forum last 18th June in Cairo, Egypt. The forum brought together more than 150 stakeholders and representatives of governments, business communities, think tanks, regional and international organizations, as well as trade negotiators.


August 27, 2019

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