Past Events

2010 Global Summit of Women

May 20th to 22nd 2010, Beijing (China)

Published by S. Mally, January 2010, Barcelona (Spain)

On May 20th to 22nd 2010, Beijing, the capital of the People’s Republic of China, will host the twentieth Global Summit of Women, a celebration of women’s leadership worldwide which brings together year by year women business, professional and governmental leaders.

The 2010 Summit focuses on women leading the force of change in the worlds of business, government and civil society. The different sessions, designed to explore practical strategies and best practices in accelerating women’s economic progress worldwide, will cover important issues such as regional and global business trends, personal and entrepreneurial practical strategies for business growth, skills building in leadership or microenterprise development or continental inspirational role models. Furthermore, the Global Summit of Women offers unique networking opportunities.

Registration deadline is on April 20th 2010.

More infos

2nd International Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership Summit

May 27th to 28th 2010, Istanbul, Turkey

Published by S.Mally, January 11th, 2010 Barcelona (Spain)

KAGIDER, the Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey, one of AFAEMME’s members, is holding the second "Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership Summit" on May 27th- 28th 2010 at the Istanbul Lütfi Kirdar Rumeli Fair & Exhibition Centre, with the main sponsorship of Garanti Bank.

The summit, which still pursues the aim of encouraging women entrepreneurs to discover, participate and play a more significant role in the global arena, will publicly announce and put into practice the precedent created fund to support women’s entrepreneurship and leadership that aims to encourage and train female entrepreneurs and leaders.

For more information, please click here.