Past Events

Ceremony for a European Recognition of the Mediterranean Arch

May 7th 2010, Valencia (Spain)

Published by S. Mally, April 2010, Barcelona (Spain)

Next May 7th 2010 the Ignasi Villalonga Institute of Economy and Enterprises will hold the “Ceremony for a European Recognition of the Mediterranean Arch”, an event by which they want to rise awareness between the European Commission on a greater consideration of the Mediterranean area when establishing which projects will be financed for improving transport infrastructures in Europe.

The Institute has managed to place the EURAM White Book on Infrastructures as a document to be considered for the Green Paper that European institutions will use for rethinking the European transports network. Furthermore, the European Union has accepted to study with more detail the economic and social potential of the Mediterranean Area.

The event is another opportunity for convincing the European institutions on the great qualitative value that the Mediterranean Area might represent for all Europe.

For further information please click here.

Qatar International Business Women Forum

Doha (Qatar), May 10th – 11th 2010

Published by S. Mally, March 2010, Barcelona (Spain)

Under the auspices of Her Highness Sheika Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, Consort of his Highness the Emir of Qatar, the Qatari Business Women Forum, in collaboration with the Interactive Business Network (IBN), Al-Iktissad Wal-Aamal Group and Al Hasnaa, are organizing the First Qatar International Businesswomen Forum, with the aim of highlighting the leadership role of women in business and investment and opportunities to develop this role further in the future, as well as considering the challenges and obstacles faced by women worldwide.

For more information please read the brochure or go to webpage of the Al-Iktissad Wal-Aamal Group