Afaemme News

Maria Helena de Felipe, Afaemme's President, participated at the BNEW week, last 7th October, moderating a session "Women Leadership in Logistics & Supply Chain" sharing women leader extensive experience in the logistics and supply chain in Europe and best practices in leadership and empowering women in the logistics sector.


October 17, 2021

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A new Rapport named “Gender Mainstreaming and Women Empowerment ''emerged with the key ideas conclusions of the webinar promoted a fruitful discussion and reflection among the Employers, confederations and the participants.


October 5, 2021

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Najla Bouden Ramadhane has been named Tunisia's first female prime minister. President Kais Saied appointed her to lead a transitional government after her predecessor was sacked and parliament suspended. Slim Abid/AP. Najla Bouden Ramadhane, a university engineer with World Bank experience, has been lifted from political obscurity to become Tunisia's — and the Arab world's — first female prime minister.


September 30, 2021

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"Women are twice more likely to be unemployed than men in the MENA Region". "In the Mena Regin only 12 to 15% of formal SMEs are women-owned, compared to 31 to 38% in emerging markets. The project aims to promote women empowerment for inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Mena Region, with 6 countries with some of the worlds’ highest unemployment rates Some Afaemme Members had participated in the project: BWF Palestine - AWTAD Egypt - AFEM Marroco - Femmes & Leadership Tunisia. Congratulations!!


September 27, 2021

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Save the dateThe Day of the Mediterranean aims to act as a timely reminder that our similarities largely overcome our differences, the cultural dimension being an important component of who we are and where we come from. It provides an opportunity to celebrate achievements, embrace diversity, to strengthen ties between our two shores and to deepen our understanding of each other. Looking to the future, the Day of the Mediterranean also offers a unique moment to showcase issues of interest, mobilise political will and commit resources to address common challenges in the region.


September 21, 2021

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United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, following consultations with Member States and the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), announced today the appointment of Sima Sami Bahous of Jordan as Executive Director of UN-Women. She succeeds Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka to whom the Secretary-General is deeply grateful for her commitment and dedicated service in leading UN-Women.


September 14, 2021

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L’Associació Catalana d’Empresàries i Executives (ACEE) van celebrar la sessió de treball el divendres 7 de maig a les 12:00 hores. La sessió va comptar amb la participació de dones empresàries de diversos sectors econòmics de Catalunya. El primer gran punt que les dones empresàries han destacat a la sessió va ser l'ús de les eines de comunicació digital i el teletreball. L'ús de les noves tecnologies ha permès que durant l'etapa més dura del confinament, es pogués continuar treballant, tractant amb els clients i fent xarxa.


July 20, 2021

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Delighted to share with you the opinion "Renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood - A new Agenda for the Mediterranean" writed by Afaemme's President Maria Helena de Felipe "We warmly welcome the proposals to involve the private sector more closely in the development of the region to supplement the necessary public investment and to deepen public-private dialogue with a view to ensuring social and economic sustainability which will lead to the creation of decent jobs"


July 13, 2021

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Last 7th May Afaemme's President, Maria Helena de Felipe and CEO Consorci Zona Franca, Blanca Sorigué signed a MoU to promote and support next edition of BNEW - Barcelona New Economy Week (BnewWeek 2021) enlarging synergies to strengthen their cooperation together in Barcelona and in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.


June 29, 2021

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