Afaemme News

Nuevos contenidos, incluimos las Leyes del 10/2022, del 6 de septiembre, de garantía integral de la libertad sexual y del 12 de julio, de garantía integral para la igualdad de trato y la no discriminación.También incluimos la ley trans 4/2023 del 28 de Febrero, Ley tiene por finalidad garantizar y promover el derecho a la igualdad real y efectiva de las personas lesbianas, gais, trans, bisexuales e intersexuales (en adelante, LGTBI), así como de sus familia y la ley del canal de denuncias 2/2023, esta nueva norma obliga a las entidades de 50 o más personas trabajadoras a disponer de un canal


February 21, 2023

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Last night, 16th November, Afaemme was awarded by Ascame, in the framework of the Medaweek 16, in Casa Llotja de Mar, for its 20th Anniversary. Maria Helena de Felipe, Afaemme's President, remarked “the relevance of supporting Women in Business as one of the main challenges in the Meda Region“. Afaemme Team collected the Award. Other winners were “Open Arms” which their contribution for helping Med Citizens in danger situations.


November 17, 2022

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We are pleased to announce the 14 edition of the MedaWomen in the framework of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of ASCAME, the 20 th Anniversary of AFAEMME and the Centenary of the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce on the 13 th and 14 th October 2022 in Alexandria, Egypt.


March 29, 2022

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"Training of a reference person in sexual and gender- based harassment in the companies" is a program divided in four differents sessions provided by Beatriz Fdez Tubau, Afaemme's General Secretary, realized at Foment del Treball, about the mesures and rules to establish in companies about sexual and gender-based harassment. Thanks for the opportunity Mireia Recio, Labor Relations Council of Foment del Treball!


March 29, 2022

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Last December 10th, Maria Helena de Felipe, Afaemme's President, as Vice President of CEPYME (Spanish SME'S Cofederation) meets Mr. Petri Salminen elected new President of SME_United, both persons will be on the Board Members for the next period 2022 to 2024. Congratulations!!


December 10, 2021

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On November 19th, 2021 was held the XIII Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum from Casa Llotja de Mar. This edition was through an Virtual Meeting cause the pandemic, Covid-19, and the impossibility of travel from our speakers. The most representative businesswomen and women entrepreneurs coming from more than thirty Mediterranean countries participated in the Event.


November 29, 2021

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Beatriz Fernández-Tubau, Secretaria General de AFAEMME participa esta mañana en las Jornadas "Avanzando en el Emprendimiento Verde de las mujeres" organizado por el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto de España @mitecogob. Emprender en verde requiere responsabilidad y transversalidad y de eso sabemos mucho las mujeres. Se aportarán para el Emprendimiento Verde de las mujeres, herramientas existentes para impulsar su desarrollo en las zonas rurales. #afaemme #emprender


May 11, 2021

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On November 20th, was organized the Annual General Meeting on a virtual platform, cause the pandemic, in the framework of XI MedaWomen Entrepreneur Forum 2020. Some Presidents and Board Members of different mediterranean organization participated in the general meeting.


November 20, 2020

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Ofrecemos servicios de consultorÍa de igualdad y diversidad, acompañando, asesorando a las personas, empresas, instituciones y organizaciones generando, diseñando políticas, procesos y estrategias de igualdad de oportunidades. Realizamos cursos, talleres y seminarios que se imparten en modalidad presencial, "in company" y on line, sobre la igualdad de oportunidades, género, empoderamiento, liderazgo y emprendimiento.


September 10, 2020

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