Past Events

"Time for Women" – Spanish Forum about Female Leadership and Enterprises

March 22, Zaragoza (Spain)

The Association of Businesswomen from Aragón (ARAME) is organizing, together with the Chamber of Commerce of Zaragoza, a Forum about Female Leadership and Enterprises.

The Forum will take place next 22nd of March in the Congress Center of Zaragoza and will offer very interesting speeches and real business networking opportunities.

For more information please download the news item (Spanish).

Assisses of the Mediterranean: Social Transformations in the Arab World

March 23rd to 24th, Barcelona (Spain)

The conference “Assisses of the Mediterranean: Social Transformation in the Arab World” is organized by the Mediterranean Commission of the FBE (Fédération des Barreaux d’Europe), the associations of lawyers of Barcelona and Valencia and the IEMed.

The conference, which will take place on March 23rd to 24th in the Palau de Pedralbes (Barcelona – Spain), will analyze the repercussions and impact of the Arab Spring in the Mediterranean, as well as the role that must be played by legal professionals in the new situation.

For detailed information please download the program (French).