Past Events

Mission of Moroccans entrepreneurs in Barcelona

From April 4th to April 11th AFAEMME will receive - in Barcelona, Spain - a mission formed by 11 Moroccans female entrepreneurs who were trained throughout the year 2007 in a business incubator located in Casablanca, Morocco.

During their stay, AFAEMME will contact these entrepreneurs with five Catalan businesswomen in order to support Mediterranean business networking. This entrepreneurial mission also includes two seminars: the first one, on Business Motivation, will be imparted by Mrs. Beatriz Fdez-Tubau, AFAEMME’s legal adviser and the second one “How to make businesses in Spain” will be given by AFAEMME’s International Relations Director, Mrs. Elizabeth Trallero. Apart from the above mentioned seminars, the entrepreneurs will be received by the Director of Internationalisation of “Foment del Treball” and FEPIME Catalunya, Mr. David Tornos.

FCEM WORLD COMMITTEE MEETING April 24 to 28, 2008, Florence, Italy

The Italian Association of Women Entrepreneurs AIDDA are organizing the FCEM World Committee Meeting which will take place on 24 to 28 April, 2008 at Florence (Italy) .

Registration fee for the World Committee Meeting is ? 150 for inscriptions sent before the 15th March 2008, after that date each price will be increased of 30% .

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