Past Events

Invitation to the Celebration of the International Women's Day 2008 Thursday, 6 March 2008, Brussels

The International Women's Day will be celebrated by the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament on Thursday, 6 March 2008. Representatives of the Network of Parliamentary Committees for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the European Union (NCEO) will participate actively in the meeting.

The Day will start with a conference on "The role of women in the intercultural dialogue". It will be the occasion to hear women from different parts of the world on the subject. Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament, will open the conference.

Thereafter, a seminar on "Gender mainstreaming in parliamentary work" will concentrate on the presentation of best practices by delegations from national Parliaments and Members of the European Parliament.

The conference and the seminar will be chaired by Dr. Anna Záborská, Chair of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality.

The meeting will take place in the Hemicycle of the European Parliament (Building Paul-Henri SPAAK, rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels).

People wishing to attend should contact the following e-mail address: , as soon as possible and no later than 25 February 2008.

WORLD BUSINESSWOMEN CONGRESS March 12 to 15, 2008, Mersin, Turkey

The Association of Enterprising Business Women from Turkey is preparing a World Businesswomen Congress which will take place on 12 to 15 March 2008 at Mersin (Turkey).

This event will Count on the distinguished presence of the President of GISKAG, Mayor, Governor, Guest Ministers, Turkish Minister K.Tüzmen and representatives women from turkish and foreign women associations.

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