Dialogue Workshop and Meetings for Accelerating the Negotiation Process Improving the Socio-economic Position of Women in Turkey

  • Overall project value (EUR): 62.434.5 EUR
  • Nº of staff provided: 10 + 2 networks
  • Date: 2005 - 2006
  • Scale of the Investigations: Turkey, Spain, Romania and Bulgaria

Direct Partners involved: AFAEMME (Spain), Women Entrepreneurs Association KAGIDER - AFAEMME Member-, ADAF (Romania) and IAPBWB (Bulgaria)

Description of the investigations, studies and activities:

This Project tries to:

  • Foster “Cross-cultural learning”, favoring and reinforcing the basis of mutual relationships between NGOs and governmental bodies in EU member, member-to-be and candidate countries.
  • Improvement of national and international communication, exchange of information and ideas, and common understanding
  • Break the existing prejudices of European Union citizens against Turkey by advocacy campaigns and strong networking with European NGOs.
  • Enhance the impact of NGOs to the negotiation process benefiting from the experiences of various countries
  • Launch and foster dialogue between all relevant institutions in Turkey regarding issues on women in economic life.
  • Work on a sample model that fits Turkey by transfer of know-how, exchanges of knowledge on best practices, search for and highlight similarities, identify good and innovative practices
  • Development of policy recommendations and a road map to pursue
  • Inform and raise awareness of the Turkish Community on EU standards and benefits of EU accession


Main Activities:
Dialogue Workshop and Meetings for Accelerating the Negotiation Process
“Improving the socio-economic position of women in Turkey”