Women Talent Seminar

European Union's new perspectives and projects focussed on Women Talent

AFAEMME's project coordinator, Ms. Mally, participated as a speaker in the Women Talent Seminar which took place on the 27th of November 2014 in Barcelona.

Thw Women Talent Seminar was organized by the Women in Business Congress and brought together the knowledgeable companies and leaders in order to explore the future trends and latest winning strategies related to innovation and technology. The Seminar presented a new vision to support businesswomen and young talent, as well as introduce the attendees to compelling business and networking opportunities.

Ms. Mally participated in a roud table about European Union's new perspectives and projects focussed on Women Talent and took the opportunity to give some insights about AFAEMME's project "She Decides, You Succeed".

More information at: http://womentalentseminar.com/

News Date

December 1, 2014