Successful Women Entrepreneurship Day in Ramallah

138 participating young university students!

On the 5th of October, the Ramallah Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted the second Women Entrepreneurship Day of AFAEMME's "Young Women as Job Creators" project.

The Women Entrepreneurship Days, a series of seminars which will provide young women university students with specific training and coaching to create new businesses, are the core events of this Union for the Mediterranean labeled project which AFAEMME is implementing in Jordan, Morocco, Palestine and Spain with the support of its member organisations: the Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women (JFBPW), the Association des Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises du Maroc (AFEM), the Business and Professional Women Ramallah Club (BPW-Ramallah) and the Catalan Association of Business and Executive Women (ACEE).

There were 138 university students from Palestine attending this WED and their initial feedback has been excellent.

The event has been opened with speeches from Ms. Awwad, President of BPW-Ramallah; Amb. Delphine Borione, Deputy Secretary General for Social and Civil Affairs in the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean; Mr. Khalil Razeq, from the Ramallah Chamber of Commerce; and Ms. Sahab Zalmout, from the Palestine Technical College

BPW-Ramallah expects to recieve several young women university students at their offices in brief in order to be specifically advised for further developing their initial business ideas.

News Date

October 7, 2013