Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Catalan Association of Businesswomen and Women Executives (ACCE)

Published: December 21st, 2006. Barcelona (Spain) . By: L. Acedo

ACCE (L´Asociació Catalana d´Empresàries i Executives), a member of AFAEMME´s network,celebrated on December of 2006 its 25th anniversary.

In a very special dinner that brought together the founding members as well as the newcomers, Mrs. Carmen Trias de Romero received the award for “The Best Businesswoman of the Year 2006” which recognised her 30 years as a successful executive leading TEASA, a pioneer business in Catalonia dedicated to proving aide services for events. The award was handed to Mrs. Trias by Kati Carreras-Moysi, Counsellor for Institutional Relations of Barcelona’s City hall.

Mrs. Mª Helena de Felipe Lehtonen, President of ACEE, made a speech in which she not only congratulated Mrs. Carmen Trias de Romero for her work, but also recognised the efforts and the achievements made by ACCE in its 25 years of existence, in which it has provided information and advice to its members.