AFAEMME becomes member of the EC’s Network of Women in Decision-making in Politics and the Economy

AFAEMME has been chosen, with 15 other European organizations belonging to the EU27, to work in the European Commission's “Network of Women in Decision-making in Politics and the Economy”, which forms part of the Institute for Gender Equality, due to our organisation’s vast experience and reputation. The invitation was extended by Mr. Vladimir Spidla, Commissioner responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, by Ms. Fay Devonic, Head of Unit "Equality between Women and Men" and by Mrs. Fátima Ribeiro, also from this Directorate General.

During the following two years, Mrs. Mª Helena de Felipe Lehtonen, President of AFAEMME, will participate in several meetings that will discuss the advances made in gender equality in the economic area and to make proposals about solutions that could help increase equality in decision-making levels in companies.

Mrs. Mª Helena de Felipe Letonen, President of AFAEMME