Past Events

Conference in the European Parliament to Celebrate 2009 International Women's Day March 5, 2009 – Brussels, Belgium

Published by P. Horvath, February 24th, 2009, Barcelona (Spain)

On the occasion of the 2009 International Women's Day the European Parliament will organise a conference on "Women and European Elections" that will take place on Thursday, 5 March 2009 from 9 to 12.30 in the EP Hemicycle.

The conference, chaired be Anna Zaborska, Chair of the EP Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equalities, will be opened by the EP President, Hans-Gert Pöttering, Commission Vice-President Margot Wallström, Commissioner Vladimir Spidla and Minister Michael Kocáb representing the Czech Presidency. Members of National Parliaments and of the European Parliament will take part in the subsequent debate.

People who wish to attend and who do not have a European Parliament access badge must obtain a pass in advance. Please contact the FEMM Secretariat at the following e-mail::

For more information on this event, see the Draft Programme here.

European Parliament Elections

Published by P. Horvath, March 18th, 2009 Barcelona (Spain)

Elections to the European Parliament will be held between 4th and 7th June 2009, using varying election days according to local custom. With all the 27 Member States holding elections for the first time together, and over 375 million Union citizens called to the polls, this will be the biggest trans-national election in history.

The European Commission is fully committed to supporting and complementing a broad and ambitious information campaign launched by the European Parliament. The challenge faced is to inform all the citizens of their right to vote and stand as candidates, promoting particularly, the participation of women across the European Union.

For more information of the Elections to the European Parliament, please click here