Past Events

European Business Angels Week

EBAN, which is a collaborator of AFAEMME, is organising the European Business Angels Week which will feature angel and early stage investment related events from all across Europe.

EBAN members and other partner organisations will, during the week of 18th to 24th of November 2013, run angel investing related awareness events to increase global knowledge about the role and relevance of business angels in the promotion of growth. A great focus will lay in the identification of a new generation of angel investors either emerging from successful business executives or by conversion from successful founding entrepreneurs.

For further information please visit:

Workshop on Engaging Men and Growing your business / Seminario en Miranda del Ebro: Corresponsabiliza, Concilia y Crece Profesionalmente

Next 24th of October 2013, AFAEMME is organizing, in collaboration with the Businesswomen Association of Miranda del Ebro (ADEME), the workshop "Engage Men and Grow your Business" which is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality. The workshop, which will be a very interactive and funny event, is going to take place in the Sercotel Ciudad de Miranda at 21:00 and will gather 40 women and her partners. At the end of the workshop a finger buffet will be offered to all the participants.


El próximo jueves 24 de octubre, AFAEMME impartirá, con la colaboración de la Asociación de Mujeres Empresarias de Miranda del Ebro (ADEME), el Seminario "Corresponsabiliza, Concilia y Crece Profesionalmente", que tendrá lugar a las 21:00 horas en el Hotel Sercotel Ciudad de Miranda. El seminario, subvencionado por el Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, contará con la participación de 40 mujeres y sus parejas, a través de un taller divertido e interactivo con imágenes, música, sketches y debates sobre la importancia de "Corresponsabilizar". Después, se ofrecerá una cena pica--pica a todas las y los participantes.