Seminar on Youth Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean

Organized by the European League of Economic Cooperation and the Union for the Mediterranean

AFAEMME participated in the seminar on youth entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean, organized by the European League of Economic Cooperation and the Union for the Mediterranean at the Caixaforum Auditorium in Barcelona, Spain.

The Seminar addressed issues such as the needs of young entrepreneurs and presented case studies from Morocco and Egypt. Mr. Lucas Morera, AFAEMME’s technical assistant has been chairing the second session on supporting measures for entrepreneurship at international, state and local level in the Mediterranean.

Speakers included ACCIÓ’s representatives from Morocco and Egypt, the President of the Young Entrepreneurs Commission from the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry from the Mediterranean (ASCAME) and Javier Albarracín, from the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED).

News Date

October 9, 2013