Mobility and equality: entrepreneurial participation towards a european labour market

  • Overall project value (EUR): 179,522.55
  • Nº of staff provided:  10 + 2 networks
  • Date: 2006-2007
  • Scale of the investigations: Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia…

Direct Partners involved: Coalition for Gender Equality from Latvia

Description of the investigations, studies and activities:

This project aims to promote further the involvement of businesswomen organisations in favour of worker’s mobility and women’s employment. This will be done by building on the previous experience of AFAEMME on mobility of women entrepreneurs in the EU and on the main obstacles that women workers and business women face. In particular the obstacles faced by combining work and family life, the advantages and disadvantages of different social security benefits in the different EU MS for reconciling work and family life as well as mobility with the EU will be addressed through different activities in this project.

Main Activities:

  • Development of an interactive tool for a self-diagnosis of reconciliation of work and family life under different social security systems in the countries represented by the implementing partners of the project.
  • Study report on the advantages and the obstacles faced when moving to other EU MS in terms of reconciliation of work and family life.
  • Case studies of businesswomen and women employees who have moved to other countries and their experiences of reconciliation of work and family life and of those who have declined work in other EU because of difficulties with reconciliation of work and family life. These case studies would be integrated into the study report.
  • An International seminary-workshop in parallel Mallorca – Riga on 29th of September of 2006 organized by: ASEME Baleares.