Afaemme Partner at the CREACT4MED training programme

CREACT4MED is led by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA). Partners are the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED), the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED), the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED) and the Faculty of Economics, Political Science Business Incubator (FEPS BI), MED Confederation, Beyond Group, LUMSA University, the Federation of Mediterranean Businesswomen Associations (AFAEMME) and Positive Agenda Advisory.
CREACT4MED is a project funded by the EU through the EuropeAid Programme, which aims to strengthen businesses with the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs). It seeks to support entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs, create jobs, and foster sustainable economic growth in the Southern Mediterranean, with a particular focus on young people and women.
CREACT4MED mission and goals:
  • Boost CCI businesses and entrepreneurship in the Southern Mediterranean, increasing the capacity of CCI to attract investment, create jobs and foster inclusive economic growth.
  • Empower current and potential entrepreneurs, in particular young people and women, to start or grow CCI businesses through tailored training and financing opportunities.
  • Establish a regional CCI hub to bring together actors from North Africa, the Middle East and Europe, strengthening networking, exchanges and cooperation in the sector across the Mediterranean.

The training programme is an online course comprising both synchronous and asynchronous teaching, with an expected duration of around 6 weeks. A good command of English is essential, as part of the materials and sessions will be available only in English. 

To be eligible to apply for the CREACT4MED training programme, you must:

  • Be an MSME or startup owner, or creative entrepreneur active in the cultural and creative industries
  • Be based or registered in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine or Tunisia
  • Have a good command of English

Young people (under 35) and women are especially encouraged to apply.

Successful trainees will have access to the MED CCI HUB and the CREACT4MED Alumni Network, which offers networking opportunities, capacity building, enhanced visibility, and access to regional events and financial providers.

Furthermore, successful participants will have the opportunity to apply for a subgrant of up to €15,000 for their business venture.

For more information, including the course programme, learning outcomes, assessment methods and details on how to apply, please download the call brochure *(updated Feb 22) 

For more information here website

News Date

April 11, 2022