SAVE THE DATE: XII Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Virtual Forum

We are pleased to announce our XII Mediterranean Women Entrepreneur Forum next 20th November. This edition will be hold through an virtual meeting cause the pandemic Covid-19 and the impossibility of travel from our speakers. The main topic of this Forum is "Resolving the impact of the pandemic on Mediterranean women" as result of the pandemic consequences in the Women from the Meda Region. COVID-19 has changed everything, they are forced changes in the world that feel sudden and cataclysmic. We are faced with high unemployment rates, an economic slowdown, an impending recession / depression, and everything else that is likely to take place even before a vaccine hits the market. What strikes my mind, now more than ever, is that companies are going digital en masse. SAVE THE DATE! Download the Agenda and register to the event here below!




News Date

October 11, 2020