II Edition of "Training your talent" for business women

Afaemme ha co-organitzat un curs per dones executives com eina clau per millorar i rendibilitzar els seus negocis, ha programat la II Edició de les Jornades "Entrenant el teu Talent", organitzades per Foment del Treball en estreta col.laboració amb el Centre Internacional de Treball i Familia (ICWT) de l'Escola de Negocis IESE.

Co-organized with Foment del Treball and IESE Business School in collaboration with AFAEMME, a group of business women from different big companies had participated in II Edition of "Training your talent" during the month of March. On this occasion, the Conference was focussed on improving the leadership and management of organizations, throung knowledge and the optimum use of social network, the importance of the reputation and the inclusion of diversity. In the attached document, you will be able to observe in detail all the information with respect to the professionals who will give the training, the program, dates and registration form.


News Date

March 1, 2018