She Decides, You Succeed Final Conference

In the framework of the project “She Decides, You Succeed”, the Final Conference will be held on the 9th of June 2016, at 11:00. It is organized by the Association of Organizations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME) with the support of the European partner organizations involved: the Centre for Inclusive Leadership (CFIL),  Associazione Imprenditrici e Donne Dirigenti d’Azienda (AIDDA), The Women’s Economy (WE), the European Women Inventors & Innovators Network of Bawe (EUWIIN), the Women’s NGOs Cooperation Network of Latvia (LSOST), Asociata Femei in Afaceri (AFEI), the European Association for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (WITEC) and the Organización de Mujeres Empresarias y de Gerencia Activa (OMEGA).

The conference will explore the conclusions and the results of this two-year project on encouraging companies to actively promote the access of women to decision-making positions and the importance and benefits of having a better gender balance in the different areas of responsibility in the company.

During this event the Final Report will be presented: it is based on the theoretical and empirical activities carried out by all the organizations involved in this project; the recommendations resulting from this report will be issued to policymakers, private companies and employer organizations, as well as highly skilled young women.

The conference will be divided in three sections and it will use a range of formats: speakers’ presentations, power point presentations, round-table discussions and Q&A session. In addition, there will be screened the video “The Seven Benefits” produced in the framework of this project.

High level institutional representatives from Spain and European Commission will be in charge of opening the Final Conference, business leaders and several gender equality experts on a social and economic level will be attending.

The event will take place in the Foment del Treball Nacional headquarters located in Via Laietana 32 in Barcelona.

More information about the conference venue available at the following website:

The working language for the meeting is English.

For more information about “She Decides, You Succeed” and the Final Conference, please visit:

Contact AFAEMME:

Event Dates

June 9, 2016 - 12:00am


Headquaters of Foment del Treball Nacional - Via Laietana 32 - Barcelona