Overall project value (EUR): 22.000.-
Date: January - December 2016
Scale of the investigations: Spain
Contract no: 370/2015
Coordinator: AFAEMME
Direct partners involved: Catalan Association of Business and Executive Women (ACEE), Businesswomen Association from Aragon (ARAME)

The project, which is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, aims at promoting equal opportunities at the private sector by developing a series of tools to disseminate the benefits for private companies of having more women in their decision-making positions.

More specifically, the project is based on a previous program which analized the major benefits for private companies of having a greater gender balance in their top positions. With this information a communication toolkit will be now developed so that the participating businesswomen associations can transfer this knowledge and inform Spanish private companies about these benefits (awareness raising campaign).

The results of the campaign will be published at the end of the year.