EuroMed Invest kick-off meeting

Developing private investments and economic relations in the Euro-Mediterranean area
A new EU-funded project, Euromed Invest, aiming at developing private investments and economic relations in the Euro-Mediterranean area has been launched in Marseille on 26 May.
The project primarily targets five key sectors: agri-food, water and alternative energies, tourism, transport and logistics, cultural and creative industries.
Euromed Invest, with a budget of €5 million plans to develop more than 127 actions (workshops, surveys, business meetings, mentoring, etc.) in 3 years and in 26 countries.
Different types of economic stakeholders will be benefiting from the activities: investment promotion agencies, development agencies, SMEs, chambers of commerce and industry, professional organisations, clusters, investors and private and public financiers, as well as networks of diaspora and women entrepreneurs from Europe and southern Mediterranean countries.
The objective is to renew the interest of SMEs in the Euro-Mediterranean market, increase investment and business projects flow and ensure that the EU finds its leading position as source of foreign direct investment in these countries.
The project is coordinated by ANIMA Investment Network within a consortium composed of 6 members: Eurochambres (Association of European Chambers of Commerce), ASCAME (Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce), BusinessMed (Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises), EMDC (Euro-med Development Center for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises), GACIC (German-Arab Chamber of Commerce) and EABC (Euro-Arab Business Council).
EUROMED Invest can also count on a network of 79 affiliated organisations from 26 countries including 7 of the 10 South ENI countries that will be mobilised to take part in the implementation of the majority of the project's activities. AFAEMME is one of these 79 affiliated partners.

News Date

June 2, 2014