Successful VIII Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum

Cairo (Egypt). Under the theme "Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Promotion For Women and Youth"
Last 28th of April 2016, the Mena House Hotel in Cairo (Egypt) hosted the VIII MEDITERRANEAN WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS FORUM.
The Forum was co-organized by AFAEMME, the Egyptian Business Women Association (EBWA) and the Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) and took place under the theme "Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Promotion For Women and Youth" in the framework of the 11th AFRICAN CONGRESS FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS & 4th CAIRO WOMEN ENPOWERMENT SUMMIT.
During the Forum's opening session, Ms. de Felipe, AFAEMME's President; Dr. Asfour, EBWA's President; and Dr. Ezz, Executive Board Member of ASCAME, highlighted the importance of promoting and empowering both women and youth for achieving the region's economic development. 
After the opening session, the Forum offered more insights about how to better support the Mediterranean youth through entrepreneurship promotion. AFAEMME's "Young Women as Job Creators" project experience was shared as a good practice of entrepreneurship promotion for youth. This project, labeled by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government of Monaco, has been implemented during 2014-2016 in Albania, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Spain and Tunisia and motivated and trained more than 1.500 young women university students for entrepreneurship. This session offered the valuable interventions of Amb. Delphine Borione, Deputy SG for Social and Civil Affairs at the UfM; representatives from the participating universities and partnering businesswomen associations, as well as some of the young project beneficiaries.
The Forum concluded with a panel about the situation of women owned companies in the MEDA region. During this panel, some of the representatives of AFAEMME's member associations (namely Ms. Shahrazad Maghrabi, President of the Libyan Womens Forum; Dr. Amany Asfour, President of the Egyptian Business Women Association; Ms. Taghrid Nafeisi, President of the Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women; and Ms. Nalan Karakaç, Vice-President of the Business Women Association from Izmir) talked about the situation for businesswomen and women entrepreneurs in/from their corrisponding countries and shared some useful initiatives from the businesswomen associations they are representing. Finally, Ms. Marie-Jo Char, team leader of the European EBESM project, also shared some infos about this program which aims at enhancing the business environment in the southern Mediterranean. 
The Forum's conclusions are summarized here: CONCLUSIONS VIII MEDA WOMEN.pdf
You can read here the article written by ASCAME about the Forum:
El VIII “Foro Mediterráneo de Mujeres Empresarias”, que tuvo lugar el pasado 28 de abril en El Cairo (Egipto), ha sido organizado por AFAEMME (Asociación de Federaciones y Asociaciones de Empresarias del Mediterráneo), EBWA (Asociación de Empresarias de Egipto) y ASCAME (Asociación de Cámaras de Comercio e Industria del Mediterráneo), con el apoyo económico del Instituto de la Mujer.

Esta edición del Foro se celebró en el marco del 11º Congreso Africano de Mujeres Emprendedoras y la 4ª Cumbre de El Cairo de Empoderamiento de la Mujer, bajo el tema “Empoderamiento Económico y Promoción del Emprendimiento de Mujeres y Jóvenes”.

El MEDA Foro constó de tres partes principales: 1) la sesión inaugural, la cual contó con la presencia de la Sra. de Felipe, Presidenta de AFAEMME; la Dra. Asfour, Presidenta de EBWA; el Dr. Ezz, Miembro Ejecutivo de la Junta de ASCAME; la Emb. Mona Omar, anterior Ministra de Asuntos Exteriores adjunta; y la Emb. Delphine Borione, Secretaria General adjunta para Asuntos Sociales y Civiles de la Unión por el Mediterráneo. 2) Una segunda sesión sobre cómo mejorar el apoyo a l@s jóvenes en el Mediterráneo a través de la promoción del emprendimiento. 3) Y la sesión de clausura, acerca de la situación de las empresas de mujeres en la región MEDA, en la que pudieron escucharse las ponencias de algunas representantes de las asociaciones miembro de AFAEMME (en concreto: la Sra. Shahrazad Maghrabi, Presidenta del Foro Libio de Mujeres; la Dra. Amany Asfour, Presidenta de EBWA; la Sra. Taghrid Nafeisi, Presidenta del Foro Jordano de Mujeres Empresarias y Profesionales; y la Sra.  Nalan Karakaç, Vicepresidenta de la Asociación de Empresarias de Izmir).

Las conclusiones del Foro se encuentran resumidas aquí: CONCLUSIONES VIII MEDA WOMEN es.pdf

Aquí podeis leer el artículo redactado por ASCAME sobre el Foro:





News Date

May 2, 2016